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The difference between EEE directive and ROHS environmental certification directive

The relevant directives on electrical and electronic equipment include the EU WEEE directive andROHS environmental certificationInstruction, what is the difference between these two instructions? I have processed one of the instructions. Do I still need to process the other? Let Lihang introduce these two commands in detail for everyone today!

The purpose of the WEEE Directive is mainly to prevent electrical and electronic waste (WEEE), and to realize the reuse, recycling and other forms of recycling of these wastes, thereby reducing waste disposal. In addition, efforts are also made to improve all operators related to the life cycle of electrical and electronic equipment (for example, producers, sellers, consumers, especially green behaviors directly related to the scrapping process of electrical and electronic equipment). WEEE Directive, namely Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2012/19/EC) (Electronic and Electrical Equipment Waste Directive).

RoHS is a necessary standard established by EU legislation. This standard is mainly used to regulate the material and process standards of electronic appliances, which is more conducive to human health and environmental protection.

The difference between the WEEE directive and the ROHS certification directive:

The WEEE Directive and the ROHS Certification Directive stipulate 102 products in 10 categories, including hazardous substance restriction management and waste recycling management. The first 7 products are all of my country's main export electrical products. Including large household appliances, small household appliances, information and communication equipment, consumer products, lighting equipment, electrical and electronic tools, toys, leisure and sports equipment, medical equipment (excluding implanted or infected products), monitoring and control equipment, and vending machines Wait.

According to the requirements of the WEEE directive, measures such as collection, treatment, recycling, and disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment are essential to the management of waste caused by heavy metals and flame retardants. Although appropriate measures have been taken, most end-of-life equipment will be scrapped in the current way. Even if waste equipment is collected and recycled, hazardous substances are dangerous to human health and the environment.

The RoHS certification is a supplement to the WEEE directive and was launched at the same time as WEEE. Since July 1, 2006, new electronic and electrical equipment on the market cannot use lead (lead in high temperature melting soldering tin, that is, lead exceeds 85% Of tin, lead, cadmium and hexavalent chromium (except)).

The WEEE Directive and the RoHS Certification Directive are also similar in terms of inspection items. They are to protect the environment, but they have different purposes. WEEE is for the environmental protection of recycling electronic products, and RoHS is for the environmental protection and human safety in the use of electronic products. The implementation of these two guidelines is necessary, and we should fully support their implementation.